Just Remember:
You’re in the Middle of
Buttfuck Nowhere

December 20, 2020 
I officially applied for the South Korean Military Service. When I shared the news, everyone respected my decision and wished me good luck.

Except for one.

They kept asking me why I had decided to go. This question had been with me since 2009, and it did not help that almost everyone I’ve met had at least once questioned my conscription.

So, I sent him a 7-paragraph Notes memo about why I’m going to become an active soldier for my country. It was impulsive at the time, but after a long period of reflection, I realized that those seven paragraphs were directly connected and embedded in me, whether it was my desires, insecurities, or identity.

Even my family members were worried about how I would fail to adapt. During my 2-year Leave of Absense, the most frequent question people from both inside the military and out have asked me was,

“Do I regret my decision?”

Since the beginning of my desire to become an artist, my interests have always faced the challenge of creating a connection between my artwork and the audience. The main goal was to make others happy through my work. However, my previous self was burnt out, lost, and yearned for change.

This is a collection/documentation of my experience during my 2-year journey into the middle of nowhere. The experience has been intertwined with many aspects of my life, and through the visualization of mymemories, learnings, and experiences, I hope to find myself. So,

“Do I regret my decision?”

Saturday May 20 2023